‘Transport’ in Shooting Stars

Transport has been the topic of the week for our Reception Class. We have been learning about the various types of transport – from public to air – and exploring how transport aids the people and services who are there to help us.

As such, the children had a visit from two Staffordshire Community Police Officers who spoke about the roles and responsibilities as a PCSO. They also discussed their police cars and vans; how fast they are and explained why they need them to have that speed.

The class also created their own emergency services transportation in groups. They made an ambulance, fire engine and a police car!

#OurNorthRoad values community cohesion and emphasises the importance of providing our learners with a broad general knowledge of public institutions and services. This is something that has been highlighted in the Message from the Head when discussing the aims and mission of the school, and we implement this from our early years الحمد لله