Islamic Values

Our vision ‘to cultivate and enthuse Muslim children with the knowledge and skills required to become positive contributors and examples of excellence within our community and the wider society’ means that we embed Islamic knowledge throughout our school day, not just within the Islamic Studies lessons. From the school community itself, assemblies, lesson themes or topics, daily congregational prayers from Year 1, the memorisation and implementation of daily duas, amongst other things, all contribute to making our vision a reality. 

Manners (akhlaq) is one of our core values, and also the beginning of our journey of embedding Islam within our children. We start with teaching basic etiquette and manners, using Arabic phrases at every opportunity, and working collaboratively for the benefit of all إن شاء الله تعالى. 

Islamic Studies

Understanding and implementing our beautiful Deen

Islamic Studies is taught twice a week and focuses on developing pupils’ love for the Prophet Mohammed صلى الله عليه وسلم and the other great Prophets & Messengers in Islam. Pupils are also taught the basic beliefs of a Muslim as well as developing their understanding of personal acts of worship such as Wudhu, Prayer and Fasting.


Learning the language of Islam

As the sacred revelation of Islam, students have 4 Qur’an lessons a week in Primary, and 2 lessons a week in Secondary, to help develop their reading, understanding and memorisation of the Quran. Pupils begin in Reception with the alphabet and progress by the end of Year 6 to a stage where they can read the Quran with good fluency, and memorise certain surahs too.

Additionally, in High school, our students learn the meaning of selected short chapters from the Qur’an, reasons for revelation,  and other topics suited for their year groups.


Arabic as a Modern Foreign Language

For Arabic as a Modern Foreign Language, students have 2 lessons a week from Year 1, and work on the four core areas of language learning, with a particular focus on speaking and listening. This is done to ensure Arabic is fun and exciting. Pupils take part in regular role play and presentations to aid their understanding.