Student Council

At North Road Academy, the role of the Student Council is considered very important in creating positive changes within the school. Student Council members are also ambassadors of the school during Open Days, Parents Evening, and any other important events held within the school.

The Student Council consists of an elected student representative from Year 2 to Year 11 who attends school council meetings to bring forward ideas and suggestions from their classes for discussion, as well as relaying back to their classes any ideas that have been discussed. The Student Council Election is organised every September, with eligible students presenting their speeches in front of their peers, followed by a ballot voting system held in the school hall.

School Monitors

School monitors also consist of an elected student representative from Year 2 to Year 11. School monitors are elected every term, and students present their speeches in front of their class peers, followed by a ballot voting system held in each class. The role of the school monitors is to ensure the smooth running of the school during break and lunch times, assemblies, prayer times, and within the school office. The importance of the school monitors is taken very seriously at North Road Academy as elected students are considered role model students to support their peers with their specific roles and responsibilities.

House Point Captains

The school also elects 4 House Point Captains to represent their teams, vital during sporting events, and competitions held at the school. The winning team at the end of the school year with the highest number of points has their team engraved on the House Point Shield alongside a prize for all team members and the team captain.