Within our community, there is a lack of Islamic special needs provisions available therefore we have made a commitment to provide those children with the support they desperately need. We aim to embed Islamic values and etiquette which may be otherwise missed and forgotten amongst mainstream education إن شاء الله تعالى.

Special Educational Needs (SEN) is a term used nationally for children who need any additional learning support. There are 4 main areas of need in which an individual fall within:

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Speech, Language & Communication needs
  • Sensory & Physical
  • Social, Emotional & Mental Health

In conjunction with the Local Authority, our Centre for Exceptional Children will focus on supporting students with Educational, Health and Care Plans (EHCP), formerly known as a Statement of Special Educational Needs.



The centre will cater to 20 students over two classrooms, with a class ratio of 3 staff to ten students as a minimum. We also have Speech and Language Therapists, and Occupational Therapists assessing the students on a termly basis, and staff will use these reports to ensure students are making maximum progress.

Meet our SENCO – Graham Hertz is North Road’s Special Educational Needs Manager who provides support to both pupils and teachers.

Mr Hertz is the key contact for any SEN related queries, and to support your child further, Mr Hertz also holds SEN forums every term (3 per year), with a different focus in supporting your child’s needs.



Students will enrol with us already having an EHCP in place therefore staff will follow a special learning programme tailored for each individual student. As students will be working in much smaller groups, care and observation will take place to ensure extra encouragement is provided as necessary. Staff will also empower students by aiding their communication skills with their peers, other teachers and colleagues, which will aid their progression pathway.

For pupils who are in receipt of an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), we hold multi-agency annual meetings to discuss the progress towards your child’s individual milestones and identify next steps, focussing on pupil voice.



Being an independent school, we have the autonomy to allow for a creative, bespoke curriculum الحمد لله.

The National Early Years Curriculum is used, with added Islamic Studies, Arabic and Quran Recitation classes offered as standard.

Students have Quran classes daily, teaching the alphabet to joining letters to sound out words; to memorisation of duas and short surahs.

We will regularly share progress updates with you so you are able to support your child at home with their learning.

As parents we are responsible for providing our children, not only with good education but more importantly an understanding of the most important values and principles to the excellent way of life that is Islam. We all strive to Please Allah, and we supplicate to Him Alone that our children strive forward in this way.
The Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: “Each of you is a shepherd and responsible for his flock…”
Reported by, Al-Bukharee (2554), Muslim (1829) Ahmad in al Musnad (4495).