
‘Whoever calls (others) to guidance, then he receives the reward similar to the reward of whoever follows him, without that diminishing anything from their rewards.’ Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم (Muslim 2674)

North Road Academy prides itself on having motivated and passionate staff members to help shape the future of our children.

Senior Leadership Team

Ustaadh Naeem – Headteacher and Proprietor

In charge of the day to day running of the School and has overall responsibility for teaching and learning, people, policies and procedures. 

Ustaadh Imran – Finance, Admissions, Examinations and Proprietor

Responsible for the financial running of the School and student/staff welfare; processing admissions and general administration for the Academy

Ustaadah Zafreen – Nursery Manager

Responsible for nursery admissions, event and calendar management and parent communication. 

Mr Graham Hertz – Head of Centre for Exceptional Children 

Whole School SenCo; lead for interventions and educational support; responsible for management of Centre for Exceptional Children; Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ustaadh Abu Flo – Head of Secondary School 

Responsible for education and learning for Secondary; Teacher of Global Perspectives, Teacher & Lead of Business Studies, Lead for extra-curricular including Duke of Edinburgh

Ustaadh Khan – Head of Primary School 

Responsible for education and learning for Primary; Subject lead for PE & Computing; Mentor for Trainee Teachers; Deputy Designated Safeguarding lead

Primary School Staff

Reception Teacher: Ustaadah Maryam (Subject Lead for Phonics) & Ustaadah Blessing

Year 1: Ustaadah Hifza & Ustaadah Khansaa (TA)  & Ustaadah Samehra (TA)

Year 2: Ustaadah Urooj (Subject Lead for Primary Maths) & Ustaadah Haajarah

Year 3: Ustaadah Sanam (Subject Lead for Primary Humanities) & Ustaadah Iman (TA)

Year 4: Ustaadah Radia

Year 5: Ustaadah Majidah (Subject Lead for Primary English)

Year 6: Ustaadh Andrew (Subject Lead for Primary Science) & Ustaadah Iman (TA)

Secondary School Staff

Ustaadh Michael – Teacher & Head of Secondary English

Ustaadah Saima – Teacher & Head of Secondary Mathematics

Ustaadah Farhat – Teacher & Head of Secondary Chemistry & Biology

Ustaadah Faiza – Teacher & Head of Secondary Physics & Geography

Ustaadah Umm Muhafiz – Teacher & Head of Primary & Secondary Islamic Studies/PHSE & RE

Ustaadah Sameera – Teacher & Head of Primary Art & Secondary Design & Art

Ustaadah Rehab – Teacher and Head of Secondary Arabic

Ustaadh Ghazafi – Teacher & Head of Secondary Computing

Subject Specialist School Staff

Ustaadah Rahma  – Teacher & Head of Qur’an & Primary Arabic

Additional Subject Specific Support Staff

Ustaadh Imran – Teacher of Qur’an & Secondary Arabic

Ustaadah Nashwa – Teacher of Qur’an & Primary Arabic Support Staff

Ustaadah Merieme – Teacher of Qur’an