
When considering your choice of school, we appreciate there are many questions that you may have, particularly as it can be a significant emotional and financial investment decision. Please contact the school to discuss any aspect of the academy on 01782 829870 or in the first instance.

We currently have limited places remaining across our year groups due to high demand. Please get in touch to enquire about September 2024. 

We highly encourage visiting the school for a snapshot of the atmosphere, the day-to-day activities, and meet the #OurNorthRoad community. We look forward to welcoming you إن شاء الله تعالى.

Admissions Process

Parents wishing to register prospective students are requested to complete the registration form and return it to the school (downloadable forms available below). Please refer to the Terms & Conditions when completing the form. 

Once the relevant forms and registration fee has been processed, students are to sit an Entry Exam. This is to understand what level the student is working towards, so we are able to tailor their learning for the initial settling in period. On the day of the Exam, we invite students to spend the day in school after completing the exam. 

Upon receipt of the results, we begin the process of complete student transfer with the previous school if applicable. For any applications made in the Spring/Summer Term for a September start, we have a dedicated transition day towards the end of term for students to come and experience the school day with their new teachers. For any applications throughout the rest of the year, we encourage students to spend a day at school, and we will discuss this with parents for a mutually convenient date. 

For further information on how we store and handle data, please refer to our Privacy Notice found on our Policies page.

Registration Form
To register your child with North Road Academy

Child's Information


Family Information

Names of any brothers or sisters attending the school or registered for entry


Registration Form
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.