It was national anti-bullying week and #OurNorthRoad engaged in many different activities to help each other to #choosekindness.
Our Shooting Stars in Reception created their own ‘say no to bullying’ t-shirts with ‘kind’ hand prints, and designed anti-bullying bracelets and necklaces to gift to friends and siblings. They also designed odd socks to embrace uniqueness, and made use of multiple art resources such as pencil colours, paint, glitter and sequins! Our generous Ustadhas also provided ingredients and utensils for baking ‘kind hands’ shaped biscuits! Some children also baked ‘stop bullying’ biscuits too. Anti-bullying posters were also crafted and all their artwork was displayed on the wall.
Primary students were tasked with discussing how #onekindword can make such a difference to a person. They were all given a feather which then formed to produce NRA’s Bird of Hope – where there’s no space for hate! They also created #acrostic poems from the word #kindness.
Secondary students crafted a special graffiti display with messages of encouragement and support. Our wonderful Art teacher did a great job of co-ordinating each year group and providing a base for this artistic representation of anti bullying.
Our school council presented a thoroughly enjoyable and informative assembly; where staff and students were invited onto stage to take part in a quiz show. Some of the questions included:
What are the types of bullying? Where does bullying commonly take place? What are the effects of bullying? What are the illegal forms of bullying?
The Student Council also included references from authentic hadiths and sunnah to support the notion of choosing kindness and anti-bullying.
They finished the assembly with a role play rendition of Kathleen Kiker’s poem – Everyday It Happens.
Our #SEN children also created their own anti-bullying t-shirts and plant pots of kindness to show how kind words help a person grow.
All of this is of great importance and relevance, not only for anti-bullying week, but encompassing our values such as Inclusion, Support and Manners, which are all emphasised in our Deen’s teachings too.
What a fantastic week of activities we’ve had; each year has produced some amazing work and have really embraced the notion of #choosekindness and #bekind. After all, it’s a part of our faith الحمد لله
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم said: “He who is deprived of kindness is deprived of goodness.” – Sahih Muslim (2592)